Holiday photo season is in full swing over here! I met these two a week ago for a fun session set up by dad as a gift for mom. Everything was so golden and pretty.
Holiday photo season is here! It was great seeing these guys for some updated family portraits. For those wondering, I have all weekend dates booked for October, but I do have some openings for November. There are also weekday dates available for both months. If you are thinking of doing holiday portraits, contact me asap!…
I couldn’t believe my eyes when I saw how big these kids were. Last time I saw them the boys were turning one and didn’t have those sweet curls. They are still as cute as ever. Not all were sure about having their pictures done. One had an arm over his eyes most of the…
Looking through my galleries and blog one may notice a common factor that is almost always lacking from my photos…sky! I love the pretty soft backlighting that I get near dusk, but this leads to ugly blown out skies (it other words…bright white!). I purposely fill my pictures with trees and other foliage, as to…
It was so fun seeing these two smiling faces the other week out at the arboretum. And to think, I photographed both of them as newborns. Stop growing boys! You are getting too big too fast!
This little fella was such an easy going baby! And 4 year old big sister was loved to ham it up for the camera. Enjoy!